วันอังคารที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Stop Frizz - The Latest Treatments, Products and Breakthroughs

Frizzy hair is something that almost all of us deal with, at least from time to time. Sure, there are those few that are blessed with smooth, shiny and perfectly obedient hair, but not many, and certainly even "they" are prone to bad hair days once in a great while as well, although what qualifies for them may be flat, lifeless hair.
This is precisely the reason that there are literally hundreds of anti frizz products on the market today. Hair care and beauty companies have capitalized on what they know to be a huge concern for women, and for a burgeoning market of hair-conscious men, by creating frizz-taming products which usually contain smoothing ingredients like silicone in them. They claim to stop frizz, but how effective are they really?
They've come up with gels, serums, creams, sprays, leave in treatments, special conditioners and special shampoos and conditioners, all aimed at targeting the variable that causes frizz the most - humidity. These products usually contain ingredients which coat the hair in some way, protecting it against humidity.
A humid environment is one of the biggest causes of frizz, since the very definition of humidity is excess moisture in the air, or shall I say "in the hair". Well guess what excess moisture does - it swells each hair strand, and makes your hair not only look ten times bigger in an instant, but also makes every split end stick out like a sore thumb, and it turns curly, wavy hair into a mass of kinks and unattractive disarray.
I can't tell you the difference in my hair when there is little to no humidity in the air. I can feel it at once when I wake up in the morning, since my hair responds instantly to humid environments. If wake up with straight, shiny and "skinny" hair, then I know the day will most likely be a good hair day. If I wake up with a head of huge, kinky, curly and dull hair, I know I'm in for a bad hair day and either put my hair back in a ponytail or break out my arsenal of anti frizz topical products.
Now, let's get to the good stuff. What are some of the best frizz-busting treatments and hair products out there? Well, it seems that the best option right now is products that are topical, such as gels, sprays and creams (I prefer creams, they seem to be less drying), that usually contain some sort of natural fruit oil or acid, or the other very popular anti frizz ingredient, which is silicone. Silicone is fairly effective at helping to coat the hair in a humidity-resistant shell and adding shine while decreasing the hair's volume, however there are also several drawbacks.
Silicone can be very heavy, and anyone who has fine hair may find that it weighs their hair down too much and even makes it look downright greasy. If they use silicone-based products, they want to use them very sparingly. Another drawback is that silicone is very sticky, and attracts dirt and dust like a magnet. Therefore, while silicone based products may make your hair look great when first applied, it doesn't take long for your hair to take on all that fine dust and dirt, and that means that your hair ends up looking dull, drab and dirty at the end of the day.
A much better alternative is on the horizon, coming in February of 2009. It's an ingredient that's called polyfluoro ester. It was discovered for a separate purpose than frizz fighting, but it will now be included in the first product to use it as an ingredient for frizz fighting, a line called Living Proof's No Frizz.
The molecules that make up this frizz fighting revolutionary ingredient are much smaller than those in silicone, and they say that therefore means you will not get those drawbacks that you get with silicone based products, and you get a more effective frizz eliminating benefit, with a light, bouncy head of hair that's more touchable and doesn't get that dirty build up that takes away shine and that healthy look we all go for.
I gotta be honest, I'm excited about this product, I already have it marked for purchase when it comes out so I can use and review it. There have been no new promising topical frizz fighters since silicone and we all know how that works, so this one should hit the shelves running in my estimation.
Now, what kinds of styling tools can you use to help combat frizz? There are some great, albeit fairly expensive, hair dryers that combine ionic technology with ceramic parts, which creates a smoother surface. I used to think these were kind of a beauty myth created by marketers who wanted to capitalize on the eternal optimism of beauty junkies and hair care product addicts, but when I bought a higher end one and started to use it, I did notice a difference not only in my drying time, but also in the smoothness and decreased frizz of my hair.
There are also flat irons and curling irons using this same technology that I swear by as a frizz fighting agent. When you combine these types of hair styling tools with the right anti frizz topical products, you have all you need in your corner to fight off those humid, hot days, and keep your hair in line and looking smooth and gorgeous.

