วันอังคารที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Best Moisturizer

There are just so many T.V. commercials and magazine ads out there. No matter where you look, you are hearing about the best moisturizer money can buy. Well guess what. There is no such thing. I'm certainly not saying that one moisturizer is better than the rest for you specifically, but I AM saying that it is impossible for one moisturizer to claim broadly, that their moisturizer is best for everyone. We are going to look at a few reasons, in this article, why no moisturizer could be best for everyone, and a few things you can do to find the best moisturizer for you.
First, the skin on each individual person is completely different. Skin is nothing more than a large organ in your body. It is the biggest organ that the body has, and just as each heart or liver is different, the same is true for the skin. The skin of one patient might respond well to the stimulus of a treatment, while another person might not respond at all. Further, skin changes it's needs, as age becomes a factor. A person of 18 years, for example, has a much different range of needs for the skin than does a person of 70 years. As a result of this, it is virtually impossible for any one cream to be broadly called, "Best moisturizer".
There is another reason that no moisturizer can claim that is the best for every person. This reason is that the price varies so greatly from cream to cream. Many moisturizers go for as much as $200 per bottle, which makes them unattainable for many. It is obvious that if many consumers cannot afford, and therefore cannot attain a moisturizer, it certainly cannot be called, "The best moisturizer". Even though a very costly cream may be the best performing moisturizer on the market, a more budget-strict buyer might have to find a less pricy cream to call, "The best moisturizer" for them specifically.
Each person having a completely different set of symptoms they want to target is another reason why a true best moisturizer can't be crowned. Youthful people try mostly to prevent getting the signs of aging. Older people are hoping for something that can reverse the signs of age that their skin already shows. Further, many people want to remove age spots or redness or even large pores. The proper ingredient for these symptoms might be totally unnecessary for other people. For this reason alone, no moisturizer or wrinkle cream can really be referred to as, "best". So many factors come into play in each person's needs that there can only be one perfect match for each customer. No singular moisturizer can be best for the masses. Doing a bit of research and homework is a good way to find which is the best moisturizer just for you.
The first assignment you can do is to identify your specific desires in a moisturizer. Naturally you want better looking skin, but specifically how? Do you want fewer wrinkles, or lighter tone, or possibly you want to target age spots or redness. Whatever your needs are, make a short list of them, and then research the ingredients known to work on the symptoms that you have on your list. When you have done that, just find a moisturizer containing those ingredients. If you don't have time to go sniffing out all this information, you may be able to find a solution anyway.
The "Easy Button" in this case might be to find a "Complete System" type of product. These types of moisturizers actually contain 3 or more formulas that you apply simultaneously, to fight a wide range of common skin problems. For example, a highly rated anti aging "system" might contain a moisturizing cream, a lifting agent, and a skin lightening solution. The combination of these three products casts a pretty wide net out there, the logic being that there is a greater likelihood your needs will be satisfied.
By now you are probably well convinced that no single cream can be called, "Best moisturizer" for everyone in general. Simply put, all skin is unique, and so is each person's spending ability. The best moisturizer for one person might be totally opposite of another person's. Do your research and find your specific needs to uncover your personal best moisturizer. If you follow the advice outlined in this article, you will be more successful in your hunt for the best moisturizer. Your skin will be grateful.

