วันอังคารที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Best Moisturizer

There are just so many T.V. commercials and magazine ads out there. No matter where you look, you are hearing about the best moisturizer money can buy. Well guess what. There is no such thing. I'm certainly not saying that one moisturizer is better than the rest for you specifically, but I AM saying that it is impossible for one moisturizer to claim broadly, that their moisturizer is best for everyone. We are going to look at a few reasons, in this article, why no moisturizer could be best for everyone, and a few things you can do to find the best moisturizer for you.
First, the skin on each individual person is completely different. Skin is nothing more than a large organ in your body. It is the biggest organ that the body has, and just as each heart or liver is different, the same is true for the skin. The skin of one patient might respond well to the stimulus of a treatment, while another person might not respond at all. Further, skin changes it's needs, as age becomes a factor. A person of 18 years, for example, has a much different range of needs for the skin than does a person of 70 years. As a result of this, it is virtually impossible for any one cream to be broadly called, "Best moisturizer".
There is another reason that no moisturizer can claim that is the best for every person. This reason is that the price varies so greatly from cream to cream. Many moisturizers go for as much as $200 per bottle, which makes them unattainable for many. It is obvious that if many consumers cannot afford, and therefore cannot attain a moisturizer, it certainly cannot be called, "The best moisturizer". Even though a very costly cream may be the best performing moisturizer on the market, a more budget-strict buyer might have to find a less pricy cream to call, "The best moisturizer" for them specifically.
Each person having a completely different set of symptoms they want to target is another reason why a true best moisturizer can't be crowned. Youthful people try mostly to prevent getting the signs of aging. Older people are hoping for something that can reverse the signs of age that their skin already shows. Further, many people want to remove age spots or redness or even large pores. The proper ingredient for these symptoms might be totally unnecessary for other people. For this reason alone, no moisturizer or wrinkle cream can really be referred to as, "best". So many factors come into play in each person's needs that there can only be one perfect match for each customer. No singular moisturizer can be best for the masses. Doing a bit of research and homework is a good way to find which is the best moisturizer just for you.
The first assignment you can do is to identify your specific desires in a moisturizer. Naturally you want better looking skin, but specifically how? Do you want fewer wrinkles, or lighter tone, or possibly you want to target age spots or redness. Whatever your needs are, make a short list of them, and then research the ingredients known to work on the symptoms that you have on your list. When you have done that, just find a moisturizer containing those ingredients. If you don't have time to go sniffing out all this information, you may be able to find a solution anyway.
The "Easy Button" in this case might be to find a "Complete System" type of product. These types of moisturizers actually contain 3 or more formulas that you apply simultaneously, to fight a wide range of common skin problems. For example, a highly rated anti aging "system" might contain a moisturizing cream, a lifting agent, and a skin lightening solution. The combination of these three products casts a pretty wide net out there, the logic being that there is a greater likelihood your needs will be satisfied.
By now you are probably well convinced that no single cream can be called, "Best moisturizer" for everyone in general. Simply put, all skin is unique, and so is each person's spending ability. The best moisturizer for one person might be totally opposite of another person's. Do your research and find your specific needs to uncover your personal best moisturizer. If you follow the advice outlined in this article, you will be more successful in your hunt for the best moisturizer. Your skin will be grateful.

Brazilian Bikini Wax - How to Do a Bikini Wax at Home

When you've decided to wear that awesome Brazilian bikini on your next trip to the beach, a resort, or while on a tropical vacation, you'll want to consider removing your pubic hair that will certainly show, due to the skimpiness of the Brazilian cut bikini.
Although you can choose to shave that area, many women would rather do a bikini wax since it lasts for up to three weeks. Whether you shave or wax, you will want to get rid of the straggling hairs that the bikini fabric doesn't cover up.
When you choose to do a bikini wax at home, you will save money. However, if you've ever had a professional person from a salon perform the waxing procedure, you learn very quickly that it takes a little vulnerability to allow someone else to wax your sensitive and private area.
You can purchase a home bikini wax kit from online stores like Amazon, or retail stores that sell beauty supplies. The main thing to remember is that some degree of pain is involved regardless if you do a bikini wax at home or if you have it done professionally. Why is there pain involved? Simply stated, it's because the waxing process involves applying hot wax to strips of cloth that are then applied to your skin, and the pieces of cloth are quickly stripped off (like removing a bandage). When you yank the strips of cloth off your skin, your pubic hair is pulled off with it. Ouch!
Before you learn this recommended step-by-step procedure for doing a bikini wax at home, it's recommended that you buy a numbing spray or cream and apply it beforehand if your skin is ultra sensitive. You also might want to have a painkiller or extra strength aspirin on hand, along with facial tissues to dab the tears that will surely spill down your cheeks by the time you're finishing waxing.
Here, then, is your five-step procedure.
1. Clean your skin thoroughly, preferably with a scrubbing product that functions as an exfoliater.
2. To keep the area dry before you apply the hot wax strips, you may want to apply a thin dusting of baby powder to your skin.
3. Carefully read the bikini waxing instructions that are included in the kit to make sure you understand the manufacturer's guidelines.
4. Heat the wax as instructed, apply it to the cloth strips, and place the strips on the area where you want to remove your pubic hair. Following the timed recommendations on the package, pull the strips off. Repeat this process on each area where you want to remove your pubic hair.
5. When you've completed the waxing process, you can apply calamine lotion or baby oil to your skin, which will help to soothe that sensitive area of your body.
In addition, you might want to know that a Brazilian bikini wax is a process that removes all the hair from the bikini line, from the front to the back. Most notably, if done according to custom, the Brazilian wax process leaves you almost completely hairless, but for sure, you won't have to worry about wearing your Brazilian cut bikini.

Mascara Types and Tips

Mascara can do wonders to your face just by making your eyelashes stand out. It can take a "Plain Jane" and virtually turn her into a "Beauty Queen" with the right kind of tools and know how. Listed below are some types of mascara and tips on how to use them: Cake:
Cake Mascara Is applied with a small cake mascara brush. It is easy to apply and gives you a thorough coat of mascara on your eyelashes. You can apply many coats without any clumping. This kind of mascara works well on light or blond lashes. Clear:
Clear Mascara comes in tubes and is applied like regular mascara. It gives people who already have long, dark eyelashes more sheen. It also defines and separates the lashes, giving them a more "natural look". Top Coats:
Top coats are applied to the eyelashes after mascara to add special effects such as: wet, glossy, glittery, shimmering, sparkly, and luminous. They are also used to add sheen and vibrancy to the lashes and as a sealer for the mascara. Primers:
Primers are moisturizers for the eyes and should be applied before mascara. They prepare the lashes for mascara and make them appear to be longer. They aid in protecting the lashes from the harmful effects of mascara. Tinted:
Tinted mascara is the same as colored mascara and usually comes in tubes. There are several different colors to choose from, but not all will work for each person's eye color. Waterproof:
Waterproof mascara is smudge proof, crease proof, and usually quick drying. It is hard to remove unless you have a good mascara remover. Putting primer on first and then using baby oil later can also help in removing waterproof mascara.

Electrolysis Removal - How to Get Rid of Unwelcome Hair

Electrolysis Removal is an effective way to rid yourself of uninvited hair. It works by damaging the center of the hair growth with the use of certain chemicals or heat. An exceedingly fine probe is placed in the follicle, following which the hair is pulled with a pair of forceps.
There are a number of factors that typically influence the growth of hair. Hereditary factors and hormonal levels, in addition to particular types of medications as well as certain methods of hair removal can influence growth of hair. The problem occurs when hair begins sprouting out in the wrong places, including the chin and upper lip in women.
The When & Why of Electrolysis Hair Removal
Electrolysis removal is highly recommended for those who wish for a hair removal option that is permanent. Most of the commonly available hair removal methods are short-lived and have to be repeated regularly. Furthermore, they often contain harsh ingredients that many people feel are not beneficial for their skin. Several people also feel that there is a change in skin color when these chemicals touch their skin.
How Many Sittings for Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal Would be Required?
The total number of treatments that are required will differ from one individual to the next. A client will be asked to return at regularly spaced intervals until completion of the treatment. Electrolysis permanent hair removal calls for very little treatment time, which typically lasts about fifteen minute to one hour, according to how much of an area you want the hair to be removed from. Using the method of electrolysis for removal of unwanted hair is a good bargain as you will not find it necessary to go around looking for depilatories or any other chemical for hair removal.
Have You Heard The Myths On The Subject Of Electrolysis Hair Removal?
There are far too many myths with regards to this technique. The most common myth is that it can hurt a lot. However, other than some mild tingling, electrolysis usually does not hurt. In case of any discomfort, a topical anesthetic could be applied.
Another commonly heard myth is that hair removal is permanent with electric tweezers. Sadly, this method is not permanent and another thing to be aware about is that it is not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration for sustaining these claims. Electrolysis is the solitary permanent hair removal technique that is also approved of by the American Medical Association.
What is Vector Electrolysis Hair Removal?
This is basically a home hair removal system that can be compared to a piece of equipment that you will often find in a salon. It employs needles to get rid of the unwanted hair and is considered to be the most useful of all other home electrolysis systems that you will find. This device is almost the same as the electrolysis one touch system, which assures you that only one treatment is needed to get rid of the hair permanently.
Advantages of Electrolysis Hair Removal
Electrolysis is one of the best options available for all those who are self-unconscious about their excessive hair in the wrong places, more so if it is around their upper lips and chin area. While chemicals may work for a few individuals, they can result in harsh side effects, such as an intense sensation or redness. Hair removal using electrolysis gives hirsute individuals the option of permanently getting rid of unwanted hair without having to suffer the side effects.
If you are interested in electrolysis removal, check out some electrolysis hair removal websites to know more details.

Put That Blush on Your Face

Do you look pale or lifeless? Give your face a color boost with the cheek blusher. After applying your base makeup, foundation, apply blusher to your face. It easily brings colors to your face.
Though adding blusher is a simple step, do not overdo it. You do not want to look like an overly made up doll with excessive blusher. Go light on your hands.
Below, I shall touch on some tips to apply the blusher.
Tip 1
Choose a blush color that is closest to your skin tone or one that looks like your natural glow after you work out. Do not attempt to wear a blush which is too bright for your skin. You want that tinge of blush on your face to look natural, as if you are born with it, not as if you have painted your cheeks.
Tip 2
Dab your brush into the cheek color. Tap off any excess powder so that when you brush on, the color will be even.
Tip 3
Sweep the brush onto the apples of your cheeks in a wide "U" movement. If your apples aren't obvious, smile while you are brushing the color on.
Tip 4
Do not apply too much blusher or you will look like a clown. The key is to make the blush minimal yet obvious. The final effect should look natural as if you did not put any on.
Tip 5
If you intend to go heavy on your eye makeup, then keep the blush color as light as possible. If you apply heavy blush on top of a dramatic eye look, you will turn into a walking disaster. Sometimes, less is more.

How to Stop Frizz - The Latest Treatments, Products and Breakthroughs

Frizzy hair is something that almost all of us deal with, at least from time to time. Sure, there are those few that are blessed with smooth, shiny and perfectly obedient hair, but not many, and certainly even "they" are prone to bad hair days once in a great while as well, although what qualifies for them may be flat, lifeless hair.
This is precisely the reason that there are literally hundreds of anti frizz products on the market today. Hair care and beauty companies have capitalized on what they know to be a huge concern for women, and for a burgeoning market of hair-conscious men, by creating frizz-taming products which usually contain smoothing ingredients like silicone in them. They claim to stop frizz, but how effective are they really?
They've come up with gels, serums, creams, sprays, leave in treatments, special conditioners and special shampoos and conditioners, all aimed at targeting the variable that causes frizz the most - humidity. These products usually contain ingredients which coat the hair in some way, protecting it against humidity.
A humid environment is one of the biggest causes of frizz, since the very definition of humidity is excess moisture in the air, or shall I say "in the hair". Well guess what excess moisture does - it swells each hair strand, and makes your hair not only look ten times bigger in an instant, but also makes every split end stick out like a sore thumb, and it turns curly, wavy hair into a mass of kinks and unattractive disarray.
I can't tell you the difference in my hair when there is little to no humidity in the air. I can feel it at once when I wake up in the morning, since my hair responds instantly to humid environments. If wake up with straight, shiny and "skinny" hair, then I know the day will most likely be a good hair day. If I wake up with a head of huge, kinky, curly and dull hair, I know I'm in for a bad hair day and either put my hair back in a ponytail or break out my arsenal of anti frizz topical products.
Now, let's get to the good stuff. What are some of the best frizz-busting treatments and hair products out there? Well, it seems that the best option right now is products that are topical, such as gels, sprays and creams (I prefer creams, they seem to be less drying), that usually contain some sort of natural fruit oil or acid, or the other very popular anti frizz ingredient, which is silicone. Silicone is fairly effective at helping to coat the hair in a humidity-resistant shell and adding shine while decreasing the hair's volume, however there are also several drawbacks.
Silicone can be very heavy, and anyone who has fine hair may find that it weighs their hair down too much and even makes it look downright greasy. If they use silicone-based products, they want to use them very sparingly. Another drawback is that silicone is very sticky, and attracts dirt and dust like a magnet. Therefore, while silicone based products may make your hair look great when first applied, it doesn't take long for your hair to take on all that fine dust and dirt, and that means that your hair ends up looking dull, drab and dirty at the end of the day.
A much better alternative is on the horizon, coming in February of 2009. It's an ingredient that's called polyfluoro ester. It was discovered for a separate purpose than frizz fighting, but it will now be included in the first product to use it as an ingredient for frizz fighting, a line called Living Proof's No Frizz.
The molecules that make up this frizz fighting revolutionary ingredient are much smaller than those in silicone, and they say that therefore means you will not get those drawbacks that you get with silicone based products, and you get a more effective frizz eliminating benefit, with a light, bouncy head of hair that's more touchable and doesn't get that dirty build up that takes away shine and that healthy look we all go for.
I gotta be honest, I'm excited about this product, I already have it marked for purchase when it comes out so I can use and review it. There have been no new promising topical frizz fighters since silicone and we all know how that works, so this one should hit the shelves running in my estimation.
Now, what kinds of styling tools can you use to help combat frizz? There are some great, albeit fairly expensive, hair dryers that combine ionic technology with ceramic parts, which creates a smoother surface. I used to think these were kind of a beauty myth created by marketers who wanted to capitalize on the eternal optimism of beauty junkies and hair care product addicts, but when I bought a higher end one and started to use it, I did notice a difference not only in my drying time, but also in the smoothness and decreased frizz of my hair.
There are also flat irons and curling irons using this same technology that I swear by as a frizz fighting agent. When you combine these types of hair styling tools with the right anti frizz topical products, you have all you need in your corner to fight off those humid, hot days, and keep your hair in line and looking smooth and gorgeous.

Jojoba Oil - Hair Treatment For Oily Or Greasy Hair

If you are one of millions who suffer from chronic oily or greasy hair, using Jojoba Oil as a hair treatment to deep clean may be your answer.
Jojoba Oil came on to the hair products "scene" several years ago and has become one of the most popular active ingredients used in shampoos and conditioners for oily hair. Commonly used as a deep cleaning agent, Jojoba is effective used alone for spot applications, as a hair treatment, and combined with your favorite shampoo or conditioner.
Jojoba Oil is naturally-derived from shrubs indigenous to the western U.S. It has been used extensively for hair care to increase the cleaning action for its properties to remove dirt, unclog follicle pores and to provide protective coating to the follicle shaft and root.
Similar in properties to Argan Oil and Emu Oil, it acts much like sebum produced by the sebaceous glands to moisturize and irrigate follicle pores. It adds nutrition, strength and body and makes an excellent treatment for oily or greasy hair and has several key benefits:
Aids deep cleaning oily or greasy hair
Promotes healthy scalp and growth while deep moisturizing
Mixes well with shampoos for scalp cleansing
Removes product build-up from root of hair
Helps with hair loss by cleansing DHT
Excellent, healthy substitute for mineral oil
One of the most interesting and helpful properties of Jojoba Oil is that it acts similarly to your natural scalp oil. Scalp oil is, by nature to promote and facilitate healthy hair. It provides external nutrition to the follicle shaft and cortex, helps maintain microcirculation for normal hair growth, and adds hydration for elasticity and proper development of protein bonds for strength.
Additionally, it increases moisture without a greasy feel or residue. For those using mineral oil to moisturize, it makes an excellent alternative because it doesn't harm the scalp or lead to increased dryness. For oily or greasy hair, it provides substantial cleaning ability cleaning clogged follicle pores of trapped dirt and works to reduce accumulated oil that leaves hair greasy.
Using Jojoba Oil as a hair treatment for oily or greasy hair gives you the best of both worlds - deep cleaning with residue-free moisture for body and fullness.